Sunny Days

November 15th, 2008 by hmatt

Yesterday was terrible. I fell asleep and slept most of the day away. Yikes! I don’t know how people can love naps so much. They are so tempting and erase one’s time so frequently. *ugh*

I’ve been working on a new video, but my camera battery died, so I’ll have to finish editing it later. Things I noticed:

-My apartment is completely silent, until I am about ready to record video- then my neighbors play their music super-loud.
-My camera needs to be replaced. Sometimes when I press record the camera begins to clean the tapeheads- which ruins whatever video I was trying to record. Someday I’ll upgrade to a new HDV camera so I won’t have to deal with tape issues- but I vowed not to let not having the right equipment stand in my way.
-I still need to work on memorizing my lines. I wrote the script and I still forgot what I was supposed to say.

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