Nerdspeak, In 3 parts.

January 8th, 2009 by hmatt

~Part A~
Last night I came home from improv and I thought about what I’d been doing right before I went to practice..

I had created a form, or rather a series of forms, a database.. to list all the things I want to do.

The way I see it there are several main variants of these goals/tasks/todos:

1) 2009 Goals
– the have dates and mini goals set.

2) My Goals – loosely defined things that I’ve defined as a way for me to get where I want in life. This could be broad topics or pet peeves that I notice about myself, why I’m doing them & how I can overcome those things.

3) Tasks – all those little actionable things that I can get done toward a larger project

4) Fun things to do list
– specific places to go or just fun activities that would be cool to do. A lot of times I’ll be with a group and nobody has any good ideas at the time.. when SO much could be done!

I wanted an easy way to share these databases in case it was interesting to others. Currenty I’m working on getting out the kinks.. there are lots of ways to deal with databases.

So anyway, I thought it would be neat to share these csv databases and offer them up in a way that wold make sense.. like a php thing that could convert csv to html pages. And there was.. and I slightly customized it.

Now I’ll just have to figure out how to make my website an enjoyable place.

~Part B~

My living space looks terrible. I need to really toss a lot of old junk and then really toss some stuff next time I’m at my parent’s place. There are so many things that I have that I need to sell or just trash that are worth very little to me.

I haven’t found an affordable scanning service. (I am totally confident that character recognition will just get better in the coming years).

I just watched a trailer for a movie called My Mother’s Garden

It deals with this lady who is attached to just junk… That totally hits home. My place is looking like that. I don’t have like, broken things all over the floor yet, but I do have a lot of papers that are NOT needed. Even if I did scan them, there is no way I’d be able to wade through it all.. nor do I need to for most things. I don’t want to have all this garbage that holds me back.. *sigh*

A lot of the major stuff I want to keep are all those old ideas I’ve had.. like my thought processes I’ve written down and such. I want to keep a record of what’s been going on.. but how useful is that to me later?.. I don’t know yet.

My grandpa keeps a daily journal and has since his youth. It is interesting, but the paper takes up lots of space in the basement.

~Part C~
Website design.

Ah, looking at html code brings me back.. to when I had time to just sit and read about how to do all that stuff.

Now I’ve got too much going on. As a result my website has broken links, is super outdated and needs to be changed. It is hard to decide on just one way of displaying information. Plus I don’t have the right programs or the know how to pull it all off. So far I have lots of drawings about how I want my site to look. Perhaps I should just start scanning pages in and pretending that it is nice html code. Weak, but at least I’d get my ideas across.. = /

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