Archive for January 17th, 2009


Saturday, January 17th, 2009

So I’ve been spending my evening crossing off all sorts of to dos and it feels great!

[expand title=I’ve even been testing little things for my site]Like expanding content[/expand]

Although I doubt the expanding content will work outside of

At any rate though, I always have a story to tell [expand title=and more]But only if someone is willing to take the time to read more about it. Because I could go on and on and on.[/expand]

Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch

Saturday, January 17th, 2009

This book was read at a Bookpals event I went to back in college. I’ve been trying to remember the name for a long time. I just did another websearch and there it was!

Oh man, this book is awesome. It has to do with this fellow, Mr. Hatch, who lives a lonely life until one day he gets a box of chocolates. His attitude is changed and then his life is changed.

I like this story because sometimes life can seem very lonely.. but all it really takes is to put out a little effort and you can meet all the new friends around you.

.. but you don’t have to take my word for it.


Cathedrals & Oranges

Saturday, January 17th, 2009

The day began with me working on my website. I was using iWeb to organize my ideas on what it could look like. Robin had told me that she got out of work at 6 and we were going to meet up then. Then around noon she called me. Apparently some water line had burst and she was able to leave work early.

We met up around 2 and walked around Koreatown together. We explored a couple buildings and went into the Wilshire Christian Church. There was a man there who gave us some literature on the history of the cathedral and we sat there in amazement. We also walked over to a wall whereupon a variety of photos was on display. They were against the wall like when you browse through posters, how they are attached to frames that swing back and forth.

Next we ended up at the Wilshire center. Apparently every friday they have a farmers market! We sampled the variety of oranges and apples. So delicious! We bought a few fruits and began walking back. I mentioned how the first time I’d been in that area was when I and a bunch of monkeybutler people saw speed racer. Her eyebrows raised- “You saw speedracer there? I was there!”

I only recall vaguely that skyler had introduced us to a friend. That friend was her. It seems funny to me.. how you meet people and then remeet people.

Back at my place we drank tea and ate our fruit. Robin is a thoroughly interesting person to talk to. She has visited a variety of places and she is so full of life. She works at a mission and loves to serve. What a spectacular heart she has. = )

I love meeting people like her.

This is where the market is every friday.

This is where the market is every friday.


silent films

Saturday, January 17th, 2009

I finally got to see a silent film in a theatre! It was so magical!

I decided to make friends with this older couple that was seated next to us. The room was mostly white-hairs. The lady commented that she didn’t expect to see younger people. The man made some comment that when the movies came out everyone was our age. It was a pretty fun exchange.

Robin and I took in the theatre- The Orpheum had been recently restored. It has a HUGE ceiling and extravagant decor along the walls. The room was filled with excitement. A man came out and announced the special guest, the grand-daughter of Harold Lloyd. She talked about how KID BROTHER was always his favorite film. Then the organist from Bakersfield was introduced.

He began to play and the crowd began clapping. Organists are so lively! Their feet are moving around and hands are flying everywhere. The organ slowly lowered as the movie began to flicker. The title page appeared and the audience clapped again.

It was such a spectacular sight. It was everything I’ve been hoping for when watching a silent movie. There was LOTS of laughter and you got so involved!

The first film was only about 20 minutes. “One Week” with Buster Keaton. It was a cute little film where he and his wife buy a house and it is a put together kit. I don’t know how those guys did that slapstick and stunts without getting killed.

It was great to share the experience with someone too. Robin had such a huge smile on her face which made me enjoy the experience even more. I wish more of my friends were into old films. I have always enjoyed thinking about how it all looked as they filmed it back then. Some are long, but always so interesting! At least to me.

The second film, KID BROTHER, was longer than I thought, but all in a good way. The plot was so interesting and there were so many great gags throughout. Also the inventive ways he trapped or tricked the bad guys was hilarious! Also, there was a monkey wearing shoes and I nearly fell out of my chair.. You’d have to see it.

Oh man, what a great way to end an evening.

The original organ!

The original organ!

Remembered Dream

Saturday, January 17th, 2009

This doesn’t have to do with lucid dreaming, but I remembered that awesome dream.

I went to some friend’s party and this person had a NICE place.. or maybe it was at a hotel. Anyway I’d gotten there late and had fallen asleep. There was some other plot too where I was meeting up with some girl that I liked.. I think that girl was played by this swing dancer I took a fancy too on Thursday.. Christie.. who later turned into Crystal (who was with Jenny). I suppose the girl switched back and forth because they are about the same height and such.

Anyway, the next day people were still partying. The host gave me a hard time for falling asleep so fast. She also told me about the salad bar nearby (oh, and it had also turned into a camp). Apparently to this girl I was looking for was looking for me too. I started walking around outside, which by now had turned into some sort of airfield. Everyone around me started looking in the sky. I looked up and at first saw two airplanes really close together. Everyone’s comments seemed too excited for this ‘normal’ occurrence so I continued scanning the sky. A motorhome was flying around, powered by these jets from behind. Someone in the crowd said: “I can’t believe they finally did it”.

Then I must have got some binoculars or something because then I saw the vehicle closer and watched it as it flipped over, spun around a few times and skitted in the sky.. then because of the friction in the air it started falling apart. Then it blew up. It was one of those backwards blow ups that happen in space, and implosion.. and then it exploded for real.

Sometime later I started watching a news report about the event. They did one of those histories of the parties responsible. They were a couple of rich twenty-somethings that had created this website and experimented with making things go.

Their website or logo had some sort of comment that their ultimate goal was to have a motorhome fly. Then the news report displayed videos from their archives. A submarine looking object was halfway floating in dirty, black water with all sorts of garbage floating in it. The voice over said “It started out with a variety of vehicles..” The submarine looking thing was lit from behind by these rockets and it collided with all sorts of junk before stopping. Then the next video was of them atop some sort of a rickety ramp high above a cliff. They had some car with rockets attached and it rolled down and moved forward a few clicks before the weight of the object made the wood collapse and then it tumbled down the cliff.

The final video of them getting the motorhome all set began, “.. and then their dreams were realized after perfecting the process. They climbed in and began their final journey.”
There were a couple girls and a couple guys (the types you see in those teen horror movies). The video was showing them climbing in and taking off and they were so excited and full of life.

I remember thinking “oh, little do they know that they are going to die”.

Also somehow connected to this dream.. I was leaving the camp, trying to find my car and this older lady needed help because a band of ruffians (some goth punks) had taken her purse. I turned into Michael J. Fox and started running after them.. or rather watched him run down the hill. I somehow stayed to watch her yelling after those hooligans. Then Michael or me came back up the hill and we began looking for my car. It took us awhile to find, but eventually we took some really fancy sports car.. The old lady was like Maude from harold and maude and was all super spunky.

That’s all I can recall. I don’t know where the motorhome came from.. but I think I started thinking about small girls because Robin is also shorter and of a small stature. She had also asked me what my favorite movie was and I told her BTTF, which is where Fox came in I suppose.

Wow. That was an adventure.. I wonder how the car chase went..

Attempt #2

Saturday, January 17th, 2009

I tried the mask again, but I think I’m giving up to easily. Somewhere in the middle of the night I took it off and decided that I wanted to at least have some sort of a dream.

I remember having some sort of a “whoa that was an awesome dream” thereafter.. which I forgot after telling myself the dream aloud. Apparently I continued on dreaming because someone commented that I was talking aloud. Odd.

The last dream had something to do with me complaining to some of my high school buddies. I was commenting that only 66 people attended the reunion.. I was giving them a hard time because they weren’t there.

I suppose that happened because Robin had asked me about best friends and I had briefly thought about HS earlier that day.

So, I’ll try my mask yet again tonight, but this time I’ll be committed! I’ll also keep my phone nearby so I can record my thoughts.

Oh, and sometime recently I had a dream where I bought this big old recorder and thought it could connect to my computer but the connecter piece that I thought was a usb turned out to be something else and then everything else was rusted and the power cord turned out to be spliced because it was originally from another country. Writing about recording made me think of that.