Archive for February 6th, 2009

finder list

Friday, February 6th, 2009

I know that I can copy a list of folders or files in finder and then paste them into a text only TEXTEDIT doc, or apparently as “Paste and Match Style” in Pages.

However, I want to be able to have a list of my folders and what I intend to keep in them. I’m wasting a lot of time trying to find what I’m looking for on my computer. There are so many programs and tools to write things I frequently misplace them.

Hmm. Someone must have a program out there that puts files in an outline and drop-down type of list.. if not someone should create it.


Friday, February 6th, 2009

I’ve spent most of today catching up on various media.. I watched the latest episodes of Smallville and caught up on, and I just finished the Office.

I’m sick of ‘watching’ though. I want to do my own stuff, but I find it hard to allocate time to write and then follow through with it. I’m usually hit with the writing bug when I don’t have the time.. but isn’t that always the case.

I gave up reading a while ago because it kept draining my time. Now today is mostly over and I’ve accomplished only a couple things.. (darn nap!)

Now it is time to write I suppose. I want to create rather than consume.