Archive for March 13th, 2009

Roommate – vlog 60

Friday, March 13th, 2009

Gil has to move in.. with Matt


Friday, March 13th, 2009

Man, I should have spent this morning working on my vlogs instead!!

I only have 59, but I’d rather be vlogging. (sounds like a bumper sticker)

So I went over to because when I post videos on my site they stop showing up in itunes.. It is weird and I don’t exactly understand why except for some research I did on it a while back and there is some sort of a ftp binary file issue.. or something.

Anyway, I love vlog videos..

especially this girl’s:

She’s adorable, and I LOVE her expressions. Aww..


Hmm, I’ve (can you make a contraction of “I have”?) a Shabat dinner to attend later tonight- so I’d better figure out the bus schedule there, but if I have time perhaps I’ll be able to make a video… of course it always is easier to think about than actually do.

26, 27 & 28

Friday, March 13th, 2009

26. When computer things get connected automatically (like when I can drag and drop into other apps or don’t have to refill out a form between websites)

March 13, 2009
27. having exactly what I need at the right time– like packing just the right thing or having just what I need with me on a trip or beach or where ever

28. Finding an iPhone app that does exactly what I want it to do.


Friday, March 13th, 2009

If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is “God is crying.” And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is “Probably because of something you did.”

Jack Handey

collapsible page lists for wordpress

Friday, March 13th, 2009

This looked interesting, but I don’t know if I want to fiddle with adjustments for all of my themes every single time..

I’m still looking for a way to post just the page list by itself (so I can drop it into iWeb via a html snippet using iframe )

Lists, processes, organizing, thoughts

Friday, March 13th, 2009

So I’ve been trying to clear out all this mental clutter that takes up a lot of my energy. I want to easily be able to share some of the processes and thoughts I’ve come up with over the years. The hardest part is showing how they have overlapped and evolved.

My website used to be the only place for this. I would handcode a page and not worry about things like formatting and layout. This was a VERY tedious way of doing things. I had the time back in early college. I don’t have that luxury now that I’m working all the time to eat and pay rent.

Then I used to post on livejournal. They were bought and sold so often I didn’t trust them, so I took the jump to wordpress. Which opened up all possibilities and all sorts of troubleshooting to get things the exact way I wanted them.

I’ve been trying to make the job of updating easier on myself, but it has gotten so complicated! A blog post gets lost so easily- so I’m trying to make pages now.

But I don’t have an easy way to post each new page on I would rather have a page to point to or something, but I rather like the new collapsible sidebar I created. That I have to handcode though! = (

Now that some of my pages are updated in iWeb, I find it to be such a hassle to update and reload to my ftp (iWeb 09 does this, but their filestructure is SO strange and messes up the way things should look.

A lot of my pages are similar in nature. And although I could make one large page, I’m opting to link all similar pages together by hand. I set up my posts to do this automatically by using tags, but pages are supposed to be more finalized than the fleeting thoughts of a post.

Anyway, I gather there are very few people out there who find this interesting- but you never know! I know I’ve written these things time and again.. but there is the trouble of posts. I can’t remember when I said them or want to take the time to sift through it all to find and link back to this post.

I wish there was a single link for my pages… but until I find it it is all seen on any of my blog pages