
March 13th, 2009 by hmatt

Man, I should have spent this morning working on my vlogs instead!!

I only have 59, but I’d rather be vlogging. (sounds like a bumper sticker)

So I went over to blip.tv because when I post videos on my site they stop showing up in itunes.. It is weird and I don’t exactly understand why except for some research I did on it a while back and there is some sort of a ftp binary file issue.. or something.

Anyway, I love vlog videos..

especially this girl’s:


She’s adorable, and I LOVE her expressions. Aww..


Hmm, I’ve (can you make a contraction of “I have”?) a Shabat dinner to attend later tonight- so I’d better figure out the bus schedule there, but if I have time perhaps I’ll be able to make a video… of course it always is easier to think about than actually do.

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