days off

August 31st, 2009 by hmatt

Yesterday and today are my days off, and boy have I needed them.

I spent most of Sunday trying to figure out how to get my various images and notes in one place. I like to write down ideas. The problem is that everything resides in various programs and places and I forget what is where. Clutter.

Also I rated several of my songs. I have 8600 and most of them were downloaded from SXSW torrents. The process is ongoing though, when I shuffle I’ll get great new songs & terrible crunchy stuff that hurts to listen to.

After I figured out what automator workflow worked and what process I needed to accomplish; I looked for an iPhone app that reads pdfs.

I’ve been scanning everything I have so now about all my papers are gone. I can use Spotlight on my mac, but I didn’t know of a way to do so on my iPhone..

then I found Aji Annotate. Wow. Everything I needed.. now PDFs are my new favorite thing.


Today I’ve been up for a couple hours and getting things cleaned up a bit. Pretty soon I’m going to go shopping for some little things and then come back and tape something (finally). So yeah, I was just thinking that I haven’t been updating my blog as much as I’d like.

Ta – da!

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