Wednesday June 23

June 24th, 2010 by hmatt

I had this big plan to do my laundry this day.. and then the washer didn’t have any english.. or spanish! It only had these symbols on them so I did what I thought I was supposed to, and each load took like two hours. I’m pretty convinced that they were washed a few times in there. Then I hung my clothes out to dry. I miss doing this, but there aren’t any places in my apartment complex to hang things up! I hope to move into a house sometime soon, and then I can hang up clothes.. (and get a dog).

During this washing time, everyone else was taking a siesta, but I diligently was reading about a strengths workbook that I had scanned into my computer last year sometime. I also began trying to whittle down all those lists I’ve placed in various places. Now is the time to accomplish things and I am definately impressed at how much I actually have done.

I was able to cross off lots of my old to do list items. It was a great feeling that progress is being made in my life. I don’t necessarily gauge my life upon what I accomplish, but I certainly like to be able to point back at the adventures.

I’m so ready for more adventures!

The San Juan celebration was to happen in the evening. We arrived and began to gather firewood.. which turned out to be firebamboo. Which burns quickly as you can imagine..

Then at midnight we jumped over the fire three times and swam out into the sea. The water was warm, but the rocks thrashed my feet. My poor right big toe got all beat-up. I’ll have to wait a few more days before I can run again. I had planned to go this morning, but there’s no way.

I only took one photo, so hopefully others took some. I know I’m not the only photographer, but my little camera often sits in my pocket, when it should be out and about!

There are so many interesting things to see here, but I haven’t been only taking photos or little video clips.. I’ve also been sketching. Sketching allows me to really hone in on various things in a different way than photography. It all is fun stuff though.

I was so eager to get home and get to sleep. I hadn’t had any rest since I woke up that morning.

Today we are going to Alicante for a celebration where they burn giant floats!

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