Archive for the ‘Everything Else’ Category

Rescue Rangers

Saturday, June 28th, 2008

Everyone is still sleeping.
We ended up watching a few cartoons last night- Rescue Rangers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Awesome.
Next time I’ll remember to pick up ice cream and cookies. Usually I remember that stuff, but last night Heather and John had to go pick it up for me.

Strange Dreams

Friday, June 27th, 2008

I woke up in the middle of the night and had some sort of cramp in my leg. At least I think that is what happened. Isn’t it strange how our minds just randomly make up fake things and memories?
Well, at any rate I have a lot of little things to do for my birthday party tonight. I’ve been scouring youtube for 1980s cartoons and commercials- what a flashback!
I will show an episode of muppet babies and maybe Garfield and friends. I’d like a couple other era cartoons, hmmm.


Sunday, June 22nd, 2008

So I went to work and one of the managers asked to speak with us individually. I could tell by her somber face that something serious had happened.


One of my coworkers passed away yesterday.


It is totally strange to think about someone you know and you can picture them so vividly, but .. they won’t ever come back.

I was shocked, and I could tell who had been told by their shocked looks as well. I’d better make the best of the time I have left on earth. One day it will all stop.


He collapsed playing basketball apparently. I remember that same thing happened to a fellow back at Frito-Lay. Strange.

Heat in Los Angeles

Saturday, June 21st, 2008

Today I woke up early with the intent on driving around West Hollywood again to look for a new place to live. I set my alarm for 7am & by the time I was finished getting ready it was 8pm!


I’ll have to look up when the light first starts, because driving around in the afternoon like I did today was terrible! It was so hot and my back was all sweaty!

Fortunately John joined me and suggested places, but he said I need to narrow down where I want to live. Very true.

I’d like to have a place that is full of trees (not palm trees) yet near to work and restaurants and other fun places to play. *sigh*.

I had high hopes for this place a coworker, Art, had found. Unfortunately the area was rather run down, parking was difficult and the rooms were oven like. It was a neat space otherwise, but not what I’m looking for. I guess I’ll have to look for a roommate though. I doubt that I can afford a West Hollywood place by myself, but the more I think about it the more I really want to live out there. I’d like to be near a park or dog park though, so I’ll have to find which ones I like and triangulate it and where I work.

Birthday Celebration

Friday, June 20th, 2008

Yesterday was pretty neat. I got all sorts of Facebook “Happy Birthday” notes, phone calls, texts, and then I saw a bunch of my friends at Lindy Groove.

I’m quite blessed to be surrounded by people who care about me. Unfortunately everyone is so busy we don’t get a chance to see each other all that often and we take each other’s presence for granted.

Next week I’m going to have a sleepover! Friday night people will bring their sleeping bags and pjs and we’ll play games and order a pizza. Then in the morning we’ll have a collection of 80s cartoons and old commercials!


It should be a lot of fun! Although I have a lot of work cut out for me.. I’ll have to find commercials on Youtube and get everything prepared so we can just all sit and eat cereal.


I’m asking for everyone to bring their favorite box of cereal! I’m going to buy Trix because they brought back the puffs shapes. I know I’ve mentioned that before, but I love it!


Tonight one of the Monkey Butler teams is having a show, so I’ll be going. It starts at 8:30 in Hollywood. Then tomorrow there is a BBQ at the girl’s place. Oh, and tomorrow at 2pm Art and I will be at the open house of a place in Echo Park. It looks crazy cool! The house has fun colors for each room, a yard (for the dog I want to get!!) and is even in a commercial zone!


Being in a commercial zone means we don’t really have neighbors that can annoy us and such. Nights will be cool because of all the parking, and we can always just walk a few blocks to hang out at the park! The pictures look great, googlemaps streetview looks great.


Hopefully we get the place. It has all the things I’m looking for in my next place, close proximity to LA and lots of street parking (for when people visit).


Anyway, I’d better take a shower. I’ve spent all day lounging around my house, scanning newspaper clippings I want to keep and trying to shrink that big TO READ basket next to my bed.

My ideal page(s)

Saturday, June 14th, 2008

Well, most of today was spent on making my ideal stuff pages. I’ve been collecting these ideas to have certain things and some of them exist, and some of them I’ll have to make.



Paul Otlet

Friday, June 13th, 2008

A while ago on my lj account I wrote about The Man Who Wanted to Classify the World a movie about a fellow in the pre-digital age who wanted to organize information.

there is a similar documentary on and I’ll have to watch it sometime soon!



Electric Vehicles

Friday, June 13th, 2008

I’ve been writing up my dream stuff and as many of you may know, I want an electric car.

autobloggreen &

September 2008? That would be spectacular.


Friday, June 13th, 2008

Yesterday on my lunch break I bought a sketchbook. I thought about how much time I have been spending trying to get the components of my website out there, and how little I was doing.


So I began to just draw what I wanted my new website to look like. I want to keep it as simple as possible, so it doesn’t get too cluttered. The theme changing for each category will have to wait. I realized that changing it too much wouldn’t give my site any consistency and it may confuse the viewer.. plus it isn’t working right now.


Today is my day off. I want to make best use of my time, so I’ll do some timeboxing [1. where you set a timer for each project. This ensures you get a lot of stuff done; it is helpful to get the ball rolling]. Big projects I need to work on are:

1) looking for a place to live (I’ll have to drive around REALLY early because last time all the roads were congested and busy.);

2) Figure out WordPress & how to have each tag get its own rss feed. I’d like to have my webpages all designed and stick in the most recent posts;

3) clean my room (like folding clothes and sorting through my papers);

4) editing my todo list (which is wildly out of control at this point)

5) creating my ideal life.. in webpages. Ideal car, house, watch, life (it should help in my visualizing of a better future for myself)

6) compiling all of my lists into a useful area (something that is easily updatable and available online?)

So that is my big plan for today. Designing my life.

I’ve seen all sorts of websites out there that I’d like to use as inspiration, so I’ll have to categorize them too. At least copy the elements I like about them.


Hello world!

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!