hmatt's blog
I recently went through my to dos and I began to reflect on the days when I used to vlog (video blog). The last one posted was in 2009 #64, but I remember editing a #65 for my annual (except last year) pumpkin carving party.
Well, even though I’ve fallen off the vlogging horse, I’d love to start this up again. Sure, sure.. I have a few unedited videos out there.. who knows if they will ever be released..
Why should I let this stop me. I remember liking the challenge of finding new things to share and even though I’ll post some facebook stuff, they don’t require as much creativity as videos.
So here’s to doing vlogging again!
… coming soon.
Impossible Project
One thing I really love about crowdsourcing is the the ability to reward the ingenuity of a fun design or idea to make it a reality.
I signed up to receive the most popular Kickstarter pages and this was one:
An iPhone Polaroid Camera Adapter