When opportunity comes, it’s too late to prepare. -John Wooden
When opportunity comes, it’s too late to prepare. -John Wooden
I was browsing through Pinterest and I started thinking about all the awesome stuff I’ve purchased over the years, and more specifically stuff I THOUGHT was awesome and then got over it real fast. Here is a list of both:
Rear-view Sunglasses- bought this in my teens, one side is blurry & I have no idea where I put these things.
Right Angle photo lens- I tried taking pictures while out and about, but I still have to find “fake” pictures to take
LED night mask- I saw an AWESOME version of this in a magazine called “Things you never knew existed”. It was supposed to help in lucid dreaming, but these light would blink on a timer (not searching for REM) and they were too bright. I always woke up groggy. Maybe someday I’ll put a little red filter over the white led– if the battery still works.
remote control watch- useful until VCRs stopped working. I gave it away, but now wish I would have kept it for retro reasons even though the band was broken.
Captain Planet Water Powered Watch- a favorite, but some kids stole it out of my desk in elementary school
Tetris Watch- I sent off for this, and it was AWESOME.. I don’t remember what happened to it.. I miss wearing watches.
“life size” Energizer Bunny. Sent away for this in 1996, but now I’m trying to sell it off for $15 on craigslist– still no takers.
I’ll add more things to this list as I think of them.
The things on the left are for my pull-up bar. The extension cable is for my car & the iPhone cables have a dot so I can locate which way to plug in my phone while in the dark.
The one unfortunate thing about this upcoming year is that it will be ‘unlucky 13’. Twelve was such a simple word, one-syllable.. and now we move into the double syllables again, and for the rest of the millennium.
Oh well. We have one more day (tomorrow) to prep for the fast approaching change. I, like many others, am actually very optimistic for 2013. I’ve been making wonderful progress in my life and I am eager to make amazing steps in my life.
I started my new years resolution sometime last week, and I have identified certain bad habits that are preventing me from moving forward in leaps and bounds. The big trick to changing your bad habits is to replace them with a different kids of habit. Something simple. Then one you master that you can add other habits.
My list of desired outcomes for my ‘new’ habits is long, but I have faith that this year I will be able to adjust the healthier habits for my life. The top one is health- I’ve been eating larger sized portions which has been a problem. Instead I’ve been tracking my water intake and my goal is to ramp up to the recommended 64 oz.
Anyway, one of the habits I intend to replace is the constant reading of ‘reddit’. It has become a huge time spender, and there are so many other things I can do to improve my life. I won’t be stopping cold turkey, but instead using that and ‘pinterest’ as they are intended… timed rewards for the completion of other tasks.
Now to get another task done so I can partake in a ’10 min pinterest’ reward. = )