Archive for July 5th, 2008

Twitter Updates for 2008-07-05

Saturday, July 5th, 2008
  • about to see Walle. Everyone has good things to say about it. #

“Pretty permalinks”

Saturday, July 5th, 2008

Hmm. It looks like I should have done this permalink thing when I first started the blog.

At any rate, I figured it all out


category feed posts

Saturday, July 5th, 2008

Hooray! WordPress does do feeds for each category! *I notice I keep spelling it ‘catergory’* is the feed for this. All I need to do is put in the category id. Neat.

Next to do is to get the ?cat=7 to read as the actual name of the category. I’m sure a plugin does this.

WordPress Posting

Saturday, July 5th, 2008

I’ve been trying to figure out how wordpress autoformats links. One thing that usually bugs me is when links include the ending period if they are at the end of a sentence.

Fortunately it bugs someone else too-

I’m glad there are coding people who have the same annoyances that I do.

Now if I can only figure out how to export each category as its own RSS feed. Then I could use the posts as css type of info for the different sections of my website. Until then I’m just going to draw a box or something on my website. I keep getting bogged down with the technical aspects of web design.

Nikon D40 & Canon HG10 HD

Saturday, July 5th, 2008

I bought a SLR camera at costco a couple months ago and I made a deal with myself. If I didn’t use it like I wanted, I’d return it.

Well, I’ve been trying to take my SLR out and about, but I’ve noticed something. Being the only one with a camera is a hassle. I am always fiddling with the dials (and getting blurry pictures). I am also never in the photos because I’m always taking them. When I do hand it off the pictures look like they’ll turn out great but then are all blurry.

I’ve been toying around with the idea of returning the camera and getting a video camera. That is something that may fit my needs better. The unfortunate part is that I’d be returning yet ANOTHER camera. I bought a small still camera a while ago. Then I returned it to get the Nikon, which I returned after a few weeks because it went down $100.

Hmm, that little digital camera I bought was okay, but I thought I could get better pictures by attaching a lens. The lens is the key I suppose. Even though it had a great portable size, the pictures were blurry. Also, low light conditions prevented a great shot. SLR cameras don’t fare any better. Well, at least in my case. One feature that I may like in the Canon HD camera is the way I can take a 2 megapixel still from the video. That might be nice.

The canon doesn’t have a manual focus ring. That seems like a bummer. It is the one thing I enjoy about my sony camera. Although that tape needing monster of a camera is rarely carried around. I want something small enough to take places, and easy to archive data.

That is where that hard drive will come in. At least that is how I imagine it. Video cameras are intimidating to people though. I could get candid shots on the SLR, but a video camera always makes people act all edgy. A lot of people kind of freeze up, as they feel like they are put on the spot.

Hmm. I still have another month before I need to return it or keep it.

Oh, but my family is coming down to California. So maybe I should get a video recorder to record the action when they come down.

I think I’ve just talked myself into getting the Canon tomorrow. Or ordering it if Costco is out of stock.