procrastination- the absolute enemy

October 27th, 2008 by hmatt

I am a procrastinator.

I have been putting too many things in my life on hold, and you know what happens when you do that? Things fall apart, opportunities are missed and relationships unravel.


I’ve gotten into this habit of going through these ‘renewal’ periods where I get sick of the creative apathy I seem to emit (or not emit I guess). Then I get all energized and try to work out some new plan that seems like it will be some sort of answer.

I’ve become known at my workplace for starting projects and never completing them. I had this great idea to interview the many, many workers we have at our store.. and it kind of fell apart.

I want to keep myself energized and the only times that seems to happen is when I have concrete deadlines. I suppose I could announce them online, that would push me to be more productive..

see, there I go again. = / Man, it is a hard habit to break!

I was telling a few friends the other day of the trouble I have trying to make time to write. He suggested that maybe it is just something I’m not into. That is an interesting idea. At first I was offended, or maybe not offended– defending. I’ll take that as a challenge. I know my lethargy for that type of stuff is just some type of way of framing myself into a failure so I don’t have to continue to put out the extreme amount of energy required on a consistent level. Laziness?

It is so opposite of what I want to be doing! I know I’m hard on myself but if I’m not, who is going to be? This is my life and I have to take responsibility for my own adventures.

Adventure. That is where I want to go- a creative adventure.

So the current ideas I’ve had is to make a video and post it online, which hasn’t really happened.. my annual pumpkin carving party vlog will commence on Wednesday so I’ll have to do something then, but I dislike waiting to be creative on ‘another day’. Hmm… what can I do right now…

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