the other matthew hirsch(s)

November 7th, 2008 by hmatt

I’ve known about the Production Manager on IMDB for a while, and I assumed he lives in Los Angeles. However, there is a THIRD Matthew Hirsch in L.A. according to Facebook! He’s in college apparently.

Hmm, I wonder if he was the one that the DMV thought looked like me when I first moved down here and tried to get a license.
At work I go by Matthew so as not to be confused with the other Matt at the store.
Professionally I guess I’ll have to remember to go by my full name. At least Ray is quick to write and easy to say. I don’t like the way “Matthew R. Hirsch” sounds. It interrupts the flow of the name and also sounds like I’m speaking poor english.
You’d think having the domain name with my name would bring me up higher on google ranking, but I get beat by the lawyer in PA and the Physics guy in MA.

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