Weekend of activity

February 22nd, 2009 by hmatt

Wow. What a weekend.

On Friday Robin and I went to Panda Express and talked. They had the tastiest steamed vegetables!! It was crazy delicious. Then we had some tea and played Scrabble, and scored a Z (10pts) on a triple letter.. it was ridiculous. I totally lost that game.

Saturday – I woke up @ 8 and had to take a bus to Alhambra. I almost missed the bus entirely, but fortune shined on me and I made it! Woo!

We taped a few episodes and it was a total blast! I rediscovered how terrible I am at memorizing lines in a short amount of time.. I’ll have to devise a method to practice this.

Dan gave me a lift to the blue house, and I hung out there for an hour until the Mosaic film night began. We watched DARK KNIGHT. I really like the conversation after the work, we talked about the ideas and plot lines.. it was pretty neat to see how other people pick up on certain things.

We got to the PROM going away party at 11pm and danced for several hours. It was great.. but-

Where are all the group dances? I remember doing all sorts of group things in early college and such.. like the Macarena, the train, electric slide, & Thriller. We tried doing some of these, but a lot of people gave us the stink eye! = ( Boo on them!

I took lots of pictures and posted them on Facebook.. I LOVE how easy it is now to share pictures. I just wish there was a way for people to ‘un-tag’ themselves, but still leave who it is.. Sometimes people don’t like the way their picture turned out, but it is nice to have a list of who’s who in a particular shot.

Now I’m at work, waiting for the second half of my workday to begin.. at 7pm. Then I’ll have to metro it on home and the arduous workweek begins once-more, Curses!

If I wasn’t so tired I’d probably go get something to eat.. and if I wasn’t so hungry I’d probably nap! = ) Oh well, I really should try to write some more. The Talkie Day sketches got my mind-wheels turning.

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