Archive for April 11th, 2009


Saturday, April 11th, 2009

I’ve been thinking about buying a new camcorder for a LONG time now. The one I bought in 2000 has many problems. The biggest is that I don’t know if it will record properly. This, as you may imagine, makes it tough to take out and about.

After much deliberation I’ve just purchased the Canon HF11 camera for $800. Wow.

It looks pretty sweet. The reviews are acceptable, and the cons I can deal with. Finally- no more tape based camera!

Now I’ll have to convert the old tape footage and put it on a hard drive I suppose. Eh, that will come later.

Now comes the planning on what I will do first with the camera. I’ve been eager to get back into vlogging. Plus I have this idea to have a meeting of local vloggers sometime this summer. Which should give me ample time to put up some good stuff.. and figure out why my itunes vlog stopped working.

This all stemmed from a hike I went on with David LeCross. We started talking about goals and I told him how a lot of my goals were hinged on getting a camera. I finally had the cash saved up (I’m so proud of myself- but really it was the tax refund).

I’m pretty jazzed about getting this. I’ll finally be able to do all those things I’ve been putting off. In a couple weeks I’ll buy another battery, and I’ll be set!