Archive for April 20th, 2009

suppressed passion

Monday, April 20th, 2009

I’ve been trying to identify what I liked about the brewery complex. Or, you know, art in general.

I think I like seeing expression of people’s passion. So much of our culture is about suppressing passion..

I feel very passionately about things, which turns out to be quite the hassle as I over-think and try to overanalyze things that are important to me.

Why did I move to LA? It seemed like the place to go to get those projects done that I’ve been wanting to do for so long… and I still haven’t done many of them!

When I encounter people I like I want to hang out with them. However, the big problem with being in this city is that everyone is always too busy.. too busy.

I’ve been trying to minimize my obligations so I can go do those things that make up life.. mostly social things. However, it is such a big production to get together with a person so I make it a big production.. I invite lots of people.

Something happens though when I do that.. I become the host and automatically separated from the group.. always checking in with everyone and always the one with the plan. I’d rather just sit and experience things, but that is everyone.

Ugh.. according to my strengths I like to figure out how to ‘fix’ things. My social life needs repair. I’ll have to figure out what steps I need to take my life to the next level.