Archive for April, 2009

1950s Sci-fi

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

I was all excited to see Alien Trespass in theatres, and it is an independent flick! It already has shown in LA. = ( I guess now I’ll have to wait for the dvd.

There is a show that is along the same vein: It has since closed, but they are opening up again soon.

I’ll be glad to see this in May!

the Video Camera

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

I’ve decided to return the video camera I just bought.

It keeps the videos in flash, but still has to convert them in real time to another format to be seen in FCP. I thought it would be a faster transfer, but it seems to take real-time. What is the point then? I’d have to convert things with a tape-based camera too.. so I’m going to ‘down-grade’ to a cheaper model and get the same performance.

I just hope my next camera choice is the correct one.

Stories and writing time

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

I often get inspired during the most inopportune times. Perhaps this is due to not making time to write.

I overheard an artist, Ann, at the brewery talking about living next to her work.

“You don’t have to waste time doing all the setup.”

This is EXACTLY what I want in life.. to be next to, and immersed in those things for which I have the most passion. I have the necessary tools to get the things I want done.. I just have to make time to sit and actually write up those ideas that have been floating in my head.

A writing partner may help. I’ve heard that term before.. and although I don’t ‘really’ know what that means or entails, I imagine its like a running partner and someone to keep you accountable for actually doing things instead of milling around watching Hulu or reading Huffingtonpost.. (can you tell what distracts me?).

My goal for this week is to write up at least three ideas. Tomorrow’s improv class is cancelled, so I have an extra couple of hours to write now.

I just need to make even more time.

suppressed passion

Monday, April 20th, 2009

I’ve been trying to identify what I liked about the brewery complex. Or, you know, art in general.

I think I like seeing expression of people’s passion. So much of our culture is about suppressing passion..

I feel very passionately about things, which turns out to be quite the hassle as I over-think and try to overanalyze things that are important to me.

Why did I move to LA? It seemed like the place to go to get those projects done that I’ve been wanting to do for so long… and I still haven’t done many of them!

When I encounter people I like I want to hang out with them. However, the big problem with being in this city is that everyone is always too busy.. too busy.

I’ve been trying to minimize my obligations so I can go do those things that make up life.. mostly social things. However, it is such a big production to get together with a person so I make it a big production.. I invite lots of people.

Something happens though when I do that.. I become the host and automatically separated from the group.. always checking in with everyone and always the one with the plan. I’d rather just sit and experience things, but that is everyone.

Ugh.. according to my strengths I like to figure out how to ‘fix’ things. My social life needs repair. I’ll have to figure out what steps I need to take my life to the next level.


Saturday, April 18th, 2009

It always seems that NYC has cooler art stuff.

Man, someday I’ll visit there… someday…

sleep rip-off

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009

Last night I started getting a little drowsy around 8 or so. I thought,”Hey, I’ll just go to bed early so then I can wake up early and get stuff done!”

Yes, well. I just woke up and it is the regular wake up time of about 6am.



Saturday, April 11th, 2009

I’ve been thinking about buying a new camcorder for a LONG time now. The one I bought in 2000 has many problems. The biggest is that I don’t know if it will record properly. This, as you may imagine, makes it tough to take out and about.

After much deliberation I’ve just purchased the Canon HF11 camera for $800. Wow.

It looks pretty sweet. The reviews are acceptable, and the cons I can deal with. Finally- no more tape based camera!

Now I’ll have to convert the old tape footage and put it on a hard drive I suppose. Eh, that will come later.

Now comes the planning on what I will do first with the camera. I’ve been eager to get back into vlogging. Plus I have this idea to have a meeting of local vloggers sometime this summer. Which should give me ample time to put up some good stuff.. and figure out why my itunes vlog stopped working.

This all stemmed from a hike I went on with David LeCross. We started talking about goals and I told him how a lot of my goals were hinged on getting a camera. I finally had the cash saved up (I’m so proud of myself- but really it was the tax refund).

I’m pretty jazzed about getting this. I’ll finally be able to do all those things I’ve been putting off. In a couple weeks I’ll buy another battery, and I’ll be set!


Friday, April 10th, 2009

It seems recent that the person below me has been playing music late night. Now, they are probably thinking.. well it is the weekend! Who needs to sleep?

Well, it is frustrating. To top it off, it is the type of music that vibrates through the floor.. so I can’t even ignore it because I can feel it– even when sitting on my chair!

I hope he or she turns it off sometime soon.. I was hoping to be well rested for the hike tomorrow morning.

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-09

Thursday, April 9th, 2009
  • I’m going watch improv at io tonight @10pm/$10 if anyone wants to join me. #

Goals and events

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

I have four things I want to see happen soon.

1) A camping trip. With Monkey Butler people and Creatives
2) Children’s show – and showcasing my friend’s talents
3) Play reading – get a group of people together and read famous plays aloud
4) Ramshackle Video Day – where we tape some videos and just do the process and not worry about the final product

These are some immediate goals that I want to get done.