July 2

July 4th, 2010 by hmatt

I had Spanish class and we read from a spanish bible. I realized that I’m not as terrible as I thought, but that I could still benefit from reading aloud. Xara asked us how the assignment went- to talk to three people. I had talked to a few people, but mostly in markets. I also try to say “Hola” to everyone I see when I run. I’ve been doing pretty good on that by the way. I’ve been adding two minutes every other day when I run, so today was 40 minutes and 42 pushups.

We had our guy meeting at 10:30, where we cleaned up a bit before everyone came over for the meal to be prepared by us. The conversation at noon was all about ‘sacred cows’- things that every church community has that they do all the time. Steven mentioned the video online called, “This Coming Sunday”, which spoofs every major ‘post-modern’ church. From the few minutes I saw of it, it looked quite correct. The Mayan looked like that. :p

The conversations always get me drowsy. Probably because they are during the warm part of the day, but I’ve found that drinking another cup of water helps me feel more alert. They are quite engaging though, I just need to manage my body better.

The meal consisted of tapas and salad. It had noodles, tuna, tomatoes, corn, feta cheese, olives and the tapas were cheese and tomatoes. Practically everything for the salad was ‘on the side’ because the Seattle peeps don’t like tuna fish (what? it’s awesome), they also don’t like tomatoes (picky, picky).

Afterwards we had some ice cream and frozen otter-pop type treats. The cola is terrible by the way, I don’t know why they have flavors like lemon, strawberry, orange, and then a cola? The cartoon character for the cola looks like a can, I guess.

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