July 19

August 20th, 2010 by hmatt

There is a geocache on this little island about .3 miles from the shore. Most people take a boat there, but then you have to rent a boat.. so I wanted to swim to it.

I had thought that this was the island Sean had mentioned he did at night, but that was the even smaller closer one.

Anyway, Lauryn was up to the challenge with me.. so we rode our bikes to an area nearby, and I put my iPhone in my little waterproof bag.. I threaded my dollar store sandals through the string and we began.

It SUCKED! I mean, I’m glad I did it, but man.. it took seemingly forever. The worst parts were when you looked down through your goggles and could see seaweed below you.. and that’s it! That stuff feels so gross and I kept having visions of getting trapped in there or having some HUGE fish appear out of nowhere and nibble at my foot.

To make it worse, we were about half way and I look down to see one of my sandals is missing! A few minutes later the other one vanished too!

The Mediterranean ate my sandals.

Of course the island was nothing but razor sharp rocks and plants. The type of plants that have those little spikes all over them. Perfect.

We found the cache, but it had a big crack in the plastic lid, so hopefully it gets fixed some time.

When we got back to the beach Lauryn spotted one of my sandals waiting for me. The other one was no where to be seen, but at least I had some sort of protection when I was riding my bike back.

It was quite an adventure.

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