Archive for November 21st, 2010

Multi-tasking & Staying the course

Sunday, November 21st, 2010

November 21, 2010 5:35 PM

I just read an article on about how kids today are used to “multi-tasking”. I used to think this it was a good idea to multi-task, but I’ve discovered what is the reality… everything becomes ‘sub-par’.

I’m frustrated with hearing things like “multi-tasking” being propped up as a productive thing. I can vividly recall manager types of people touting how important it is to “multi-task” at your job. What they really mean is that they don’t want to pay people to specialize in anything.

Now, perhaps I’m on a rant here, but I am not blaming anyone in particular. I do the same things. The past two video shoots I’ve done, I’ve gone straight to my iPhone between takes. The other actors have done the same with their iPhones too! I’ve really got to let that go.

I even caught myself at a party-potluck last night, pulling out my iPhone and checking facebook and my email. What!?! I’ve also been wasting TONS of time on this stupid Smurfs game that I downloaded. I’m not much of a gamer, as it takes up WAY too much of my time. Time I could be using to create or connect with people.

I wonder what will happen to our world in the future if these are the things our society is valuing. Things like partial attention and constant interruptions.

My friend Marina told me last week that when she’s sitting in class and she gets sick of translating English to Spanish, she’ll go into a stand-by mode. (this was a funny conversation by the way, as she had to act it all out while I provided the English words for her)

What type of stand-by actor have I been becoming? Sure, the last two shoots weren’t heavy on the dialog. One was a direction for each shot and the other was only facial reactions. Yet, I had to make a conscious effort to talk to my costars! Yesterday I was ‘planting’ some berries in that Smurf game when I realized how much attention I was giving to my phone.

I’ve often been at home, alone, wanting to find out what other actors were doing out there. Wishing I could talk with others and ‘network’ to find out what classes they were talking. I had to force myself to put my phone away and strike up a conversation with Lindsay. I was certainly glad I did though because conversations are MUCH more rewarding than some silly game.

Games can be great, but only if they help get people together, like board games and such. I haven’t been much of a gamer, and I’m rather glad. This Smurf ‘game’ is a lot like Sims back in 2000. I promised myself I wouldn’t let my life slip away.

I started thinking about what really matters in my life. It was hard to admit, but Amanda teased me last night and she was totally right.

“I’m just playing until I get the Thanksgiving statue. I need 15 Smurfberries”
“At least you have goals”, she said.

Why was this little goal important to me? I’ll tell you why. I knew I could accomplish it if I stuck with it. Getting this little goal would show myself that I CAN accomplish goals even though I’ve started and stopped so many things in the past.

Isn’t that life for you? You get so worked up, so passionate about one thing… and then you give up. I’m sick of giving up. I’m also sick of wasting my time on useless endeavors. Therein lies the problem once I discover that certain things are indeed pointless.

I often ask myself what I’m doing with my life and if it is getting me closer to my goals. I beat myself up sometimes and do things I regret. I worry when I don’t need to and over-think things.

But you know what? Thoughts are a choice. Everyone has a choice over what they allow to occupy their mind. It takes discipline (something I am always working on) and most importantly love and forgiveness.

I can make mistakes. I can let love permeate my being instead of frustration and self-loathing.

There are a lot of things I want in my life, and who I want to be. Being loving and having great friendships are important to me. I want to be able to help as many people as I can. I’d like to be able to purge all those things that are pointless in my life. =/ It is difficult though, but that’s okay- that’s life.

Now to streamline my focus so I’m not so distracted…

as soon as I plant these raspberries in the Smurf Village.