Archive for January, 2011

Car Adventures

Saturday, January 29th, 2011

I was driving down the freeway and I noticed that one of my headlamps was out. No biggie I thought. I would simply stop by Pep Boys in Pasadena before teaching my improv class and replace it in the parking lot.

This was 7:00pm.

I didn’t know which to get, but they have that handy calculator thing that tells you. So I bought it and walked over to my car.

I plopped down and turned the ignition. The lights came on, but it wouldn’t start!

Last time this happened the battery connection was loose. I told Chris at the service department and he came over with the battery checking unit and tested it for me.

After a series of trying different things, he thought that it might be the starter. Unfortunately, he could work on it until the next morning.

I called my old Pasadena roommate and asked if I could crash on his couch for the night. Incidentally, something happened like this a year ago. One of the radiator hoses fell apart and my car was overheating. Luckily he agreed again.

I called the family I nanny for and she was totally okay with me arriving later the next day.

I still needed to get a ride to workshop and I didn’t have anyone’s number. However, I remembered that a student always had his iPhone with him so I emailed him to call me.

At 7:30 Mike was there to pick me up, and we arrived late to class. Everyone was already doing a warm up exercise and then we had an awesome time.

The other Matt was able to give me a lift to Lindygroove.

I should also mention that I’ve been hauling around an Ikea bag with all of my stuff, including my backpack with camera and laptop from earlier that day.

After the dance Char gave me a lift to Eric’s place and after a quick visit I went to sleep.

This was around 1 am.

The next day I figured it would be a good time to check levels on the antifreeze. The day continued normally, but the radiator started steaming, and I figured I put too much in and it was about to boil out to proper levels.

After DSB anniversary dance, I began the trip home when everyone was stopped on the 210. Marianne and Jason were nearby so I chatted with them and let my car cool down because it had started to overheat.

After the traffic started up again I noticed that the temp gauge went straight back up! Yikes!

I drove off the freeway to this secluded area and tried adding more fluid– and to my surprise, the radiator cap was off.

Which answered what the clunking sound was on the freeway.

2 am.

I didn’t want to drive any further because it kept heating up and I didn’t want to damage my engine. So I drove a few miles near an AutoZone. Then, slept in my car until it opened at 8.

After I put it on, it still overheated. So I put some more fluid directly in the radiator and that was it. Good thing I remembered to put the extra antifreeze in my car.

I then remembered that I once kept extra food and a blanket in the car… I’ll have to put that back.

Now, after two nights, I will finally be sleeping in my own bed.

learned things

Thursday, January 27th, 2011

Yesterday I found out that RedBox DVDs are designed not to play the extras!! Incredible!

And today I found out that if you are wearing headphones and the loose mini-jack brushes against your static cling jacket, your ears will spark! *ouch*

The Others

Thursday, January 27th, 2011

Today I learned that there is a … it has been up for around two years or so, and now I wish I would have bought that domain name too a while back.

Then I got to thinking about and the italian hmatt people who make videos.. I’ve probably mentioned them before, but I have been using ‘hmatt’ since 2001! Oh names..

branding branding branding.


Sunday, January 9th, 2011

Sometimes I’ll stare at the ceiling and ask myself why I am trying to accomplish so much.

I think about how much easier my life would be if I was like so many of my acting friends who just want to be an actor. This feat in itself takes years or a whole lifetime to achieve. Yet, I find myself looking at so many terrible movies and videos out there and wondering how I could better contribute to this world.

I love acting, but most of the scripts or breakdowns I see are parts that I have little interest in playing. I know at some level I may start seeing more quality stuff, but instead of waiting for that magical day I want to make it happen.

There are lots of stories of people making their own stuff and becoming famous and more importantly showing their ideas to the world and having it becoming profitable. I’m not going to kid myself, financial compensation is important. I have debt I’d like to abolish, and I yearn for the day when I can afford a constant supply of healthy foods instead of always being on the prowl for bargains or $1 store meals. There are lots of experiences that money can help buy too. Plus, to make my own stuff means I’m the entire production crew and have to come up with props and kraft services myself.. Whew!

I just looked at my recent finances and realized there were certain bills that I hadn’t been counting on in my budget. I have goals that I want to reach (free from debt and owning an electric car). Acting isn’t a way for me to get rich quick, or even ‘get by’ apparently (at this time at least).

I try to think positive things over and over to lift my spirits. I try to remain positive amidst all the doubt and simmering bouts of worry and anxiety. I am grateful that there are people I can look to to see that positive things CAN happen, and WILL happen if I am genuine in pursuing my goals. Yes, there are goals that I’ve dropped- but there are other life goals that I can’t picture living without… a way to share my talents with the world and make this place a better place.

I’m only a week into the new year, but I have faith that I by this time next year all my anxieties will dissipate. All those negative voices in my head will be silenced. All insulting comments by others will fall on deaf ears.

Yes, my life would be different if all I wanted to do was act in whatever came my way.. but that isn’t me. I have standards that I will uphold and values that will be sustained.

I am unique. I can’t ever compare myself to someone else. Everyone is on their own journey and every one has their own separate path on how to get there. I will enjoy the path I have chosen and most importantly love the journey.

When I find myself looking at the ceiling, I can remind myself that I am choosing to do so much because it is who I am. I have chosen to do more than be just an actor waiting for a break because nobody else has my unique set of gifts and can showcase them like me.

I’m not afraid to make a new path and go places where no one I know has ever gone. I’m ready for the adventure and challenges therein-

follow me.

Videos and Motivation

Sunday, January 9th, 2011

Yesterday I had 12 people come over and everyone taped 3 words. I know some aren’t perfect, and I’m preparing to hear people say we didn’t do the ASL or Spanish word correctly. The thing is though, we followed as best as we could from the dictionaries we had.

Today I began the time-consuming process of editing the videos together. Fortunately, they are very short and I don’t have to worry about sound issues or mis-matched shots or multiple takes… any of the usual editing stuff.

These videos had their own problems. Namely, I didn’t have a ‘theme song’ set up yet. I quickly made an intro with a simple animation from Keynote, then had to ‘guess’ the timing when playing the music in Garageband. I’m grateful that my four year old computer can handle so much work! I’m always keeping him busy!

After doing this process over several times I finally found a pattern that seemed to flow well and was quick and simple. I referred to a video of old logos to give me inspiration. It will be nice someday to pass this type of thing off to someone who likes to do it. I don’t mind too much because I’m like learning stuff, but there is a lot research that I might have to research to make things go the way I’d like them too. Right now I can’t used Motion because my graphics card isn’t fast enough. This is a good thing though because I don’t want to learn the ropes of a program that I’d barely use.

Another part I didn’t anticipate was that if I shoot against a green screen I’d have to find a royalty free picture for every video! Yikes! I’m not ready to do all of that (although I tried for a few of the videos).

Fortunately, I remembered to focus on what is important. I wanted to get the first video done as a template so I and went with a basic color background. Some words will be easier to illustrate with pictures than others, and I can always change the background another time. Yay computers!

So after about 4 hours I had the first video edited and up on YouTube. I figured I’d start a few others and then do some other chores I’ve been putting off.

It will be such a challenge to maintain balance with productivity. I don’t want to spend my life fretting about things being perfect, but I also want to make some quality stuff. I still hold on to the belief that with quantity I will learn quality. I’ve seen a lot of my ideas get swept into the corner because I hadn’t felt it was ‘finished’.

I’m trying my best to learn how to ‘just do it’ and keep motivated. There are a lot of “what about…” types of people out there, and I would be paralyzed with all the work involved if I heeded every suggestion or comment from others. I hope I can start insulating my environment with others who share my values, the world can be such a battlefield when you are fighting for what you think is right.

Goals and Life

Wednesday, January 5th, 2011

Colleen asked me to write up something about post-edge life. I am such a context person that I wanted to write up a little backstory. I’ve already mentioned some of these things already, but here it is for those who haven’t read up!

Goals and Life.

I wrote down a few goals that I wanted to accomplish before I left Spain… talk to people I didn’t know in Spanish, explore wonderful areas, take some great photos, and spend time connecting with people.. the list went on and on. At times it seemed endless. Perhaps the hardest thing was to let go of my expectations. There were times when I didn’t know how things would work out.

I was able to do just about everything and more!

It was wonderful spending time away from all the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles. There was time for many of life’s simple pleasures…

Feeling the whooshing wind while riding bikes through a friendly small town.

Stopping to look at the glistening city of Altea in all its spender, whether it was the sunlight dancing across the buildings or the cool hush of night.

Swimming in the sea as fish darted below and the plants tickled your feet.

Listening in the soft coo of the salty water as it splashed against the rocks.

Watching drops of the pouring rain splash into puddles.


Toward the end of the trip I was eager to start my LA life once again. I felt fully recharged. I knew that I had accomplished my goals and much more. I was able to finally find the time to listen to how God wanted me on to share my talents.

Everyone needs time away. Time to suss out life and what it has to offer. A chance to begin a new chapter. A life awaits full of excitement and learning what our precious world has to offer.

Now a new year is upon us, and millions are making resolutions to change in the coming year.

My resolution is to focus.

When I was in Spain I was able to peel back life to the essentials and rediscover the wonder around us. I was able to focus on the things that mattered most and see the ultra progress on things that could have seemed impossible.

I’m looking forward to this year with the lessons from the summer. My time in Spain is a deep well of experiences from which to draw from- something to remind me what is most important about life- God and the amazing people and places that surround us all.

Now that I’m back, I’m putting my artistic talents into continuing work on a children’s show I do online. I’ve seen what groups of people can do when everyone gets a chance to share, so I’m trying to get as many people a part of it as possible. The main theme is learning and exploring this wonderful world.

At times the show, just like my life, can seem overwhelming… there are so many things I want to do. I often remind myself of how things will work out and how God will put people in your life to help you along the way.

Life is such an adventure! It is exciting to see what’s next!

Start 2011

Sunday, January 2nd, 2011

New Year’s day is for sleeping.

Thus, I consider today the first day to focus.

I have a lot of things on my mind and I’m attempting to get them out of my head, and then start whittling them down. The first thing I tried to do was update my “fun things to do” list. Then I realized that I could sub-divide it into cost or time of day or places… et cetera.

Then I stopped, and asked myself what the purpose of this was. Yes it could make it easier to sort through, but then I’d be back to having a gigantic list of possible fun things to do. A better use of my time today is to work on the To Do list I already have. I’ve been doing this for the last week, but there are still a lot of duplicate entries which make the list bigger than it needs to be.

I have a whole section of my To Do’s that require me to write up MORE lists. I truly do have too many goals.

The biggest one is to work on my social life. I have friends that I deeply care about, but LA being what it is- they are often busy. The only solution is to spread out my love for my friends and find pockets of time that work for others too. A first idea with this was to set up more ‘group’ type events. Things like Pop Culture night. I’ve since re-discovered the problems of such weekly events. You have to remind people all the time and find stuff to watch.. I should get a buddy to help me out with all that- it is too difficult to do alone all the time.

The next big thing is my acting career- and that begins with the kids show I’m doing. I’ve been telling people I meet that I am an actor and I have a kids show online. Now that the holidays are over (FINALLY) my life can get back on track and I can start progress on this. My goal is still 50 segments by March 1, and I KNOW I can do it.

First up- I’m going to get a bunch of ASL/SPANISH videos taped and then ready them for processing. Then onto bigger projects.

Okay, enough documenting my thoughts- now is the time for action!