Goals and Life

January 5th, 2011 by hmatt

Colleen asked me to write up something about post-edge life. I am such a context person that I wanted to write up a little backstory. I’ve already mentioned some of these things already, but here it is for those who haven’t read up!

Goals and Life.

I wrote down a few goals that I wanted to accomplish before I left Spain… talk to people I didn’t know in Spanish, explore wonderful areas, take some great photos, and spend time connecting with people.. the list went on and on. At times it seemed endless. Perhaps the hardest thing was to let go of my expectations. There were times when I didn’t know how things would work out.

I was able to do just about everything and more!

It was wonderful spending time away from all the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles. There was time for many of life’s simple pleasures…

Feeling the whooshing wind while riding bikes through a friendly small town.

Stopping to look at the glistening city of Altea in all its spender, whether it was the sunlight dancing across the buildings or the cool hush of night.

Swimming in the sea as fish darted below and the plants tickled your feet.

Listening in the soft coo of the salty water as it splashed against the rocks.

Watching drops of the pouring rain splash into puddles.


Toward the end of the trip I was eager to start my LA life once again. I felt fully recharged. I knew that I had accomplished my goals and much more. I was able to finally find the time to listen to how God wanted me on to share my talents.

Everyone needs time away. Time to suss out life and what it has to offer. A chance to begin a new chapter. A life awaits full of excitement and learning what our precious world has to offer.

Now a new year is upon us, and millions are making resolutions to change in the coming year.

My resolution is to focus.

When I was in Spain I was able to peel back life to the essentials and rediscover the wonder around us. I was able to focus on the things that mattered most and see the ultra progress on things that could have seemed impossible.

I’m looking forward to this year with the lessons from the summer. My time in Spain is a deep well of experiences from which to draw from- something to remind me what is most important about life- God and the amazing people and places that surround us all.

Now that I’m back, I’m putting my artistic talents into continuing work on a children’s show I do online. I’ve seen what groups of people can do when everyone gets a chance to share, so I’m trying to get as many people a part of it as possible. The main theme is learning and exploring this wonderful world.

At times the show, just like my life, can seem overwhelming… there are so many things I want to do. I often remind myself of how things will work out and how God will put people in your life to help you along the way.

Life is such an adventure! It is exciting to see what’s next!

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