June plans

June 1st, 2011 by hmatt

For the past.. while, I’ve been exhausted and felt like I was running around. Today I had off of work, and I am doing something special for the month of June..

My plans for ‘Catching Up’
-gathering a smoothie recipe collection & healthy out and about snacks (I’m sick of eating terrible-for-me foods when hunger strikes)
-setting dates for important things (like my hike-plan day!)
-recruiting others to help me with my community building (I have a list of great ways to build different communities impact l will appear soon, probably more in depth after BC2 is over. My ideas include: cold reading practices, ramshackle films, goal club, TRKS planning meeting, commercial improv, bible study group, LA adventure group, and of course a hiking club)
-getting rid of the ‘junk’ that is taking up space in my room
-mini-calendars and pencils near sites of habits to form (or checklists)

Calendars and Checklists

Keeping track and marking progress is the best way to accomplish a goal. I made a bunch of little June calendars and my goal is to do put these near ‘stations’ where I want to forge new habits.

– Dental Hygiene: last week I got a cleaning and checkup. (thanks to a $29 Groupon). They mentioned that I have ‘pockets’ forming on parts of my gums. This is probably due to my hit-or-miss habit of flossing and rinsing. NO MORE! I made a little calendar that I’ll check off twice a day for brushing-for-2min/flossing/rinsing.

– Workout. I haven’t been to the gym in a LOONG time and I keep thinking about how that is such a wasted opportunity. Apple paid for my membership to 24 hr fitness until March 2012. I put a little calendar check off list near my pull-up bar in the hall for: pullups/pushups/situps/touching-toes. I’ll need to buy some 8lb weights for some shoulder exercises too.

– Feeding Seamonkeys. You are supposed to do this every two days, but I often lose count. Sorry little dudes.

Same thing with checklists
– Car. I once supposed that I spent $150 on gas a month. I’m about to find out how accurate this is. My plan is to fill up today and then keep track of all gas I pay for until the end of the month, then fill it up again. This should work right?

– Acting exercises. There is a collection of different exercises that I ‘could do’ and I’ll have to come up with a way to rotate these things.

-Free time list. I’ve gotten in such a bad habit of wasting those ‘free moments’ one has throughout the day. I now have my little list of free time activities that are prioritized: Submit to LAcasting/Actors access, ‘things-to-ponder’, life goals meditation etc.

As other ideas pop up, I’ll add little calendars and golf pencils near the area. I’ve tried using my phone all for such matters, but it gets lost in the sea of apps on there, and a lot of things are location specific. What good is a timed reminder that appears when I’m elsewhere?

Let the month of change begin!

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