Archive for January 30th, 2013

Awesome Stuff

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

I was browsing through Pinterest and I started thinking about all the awesome stuff I’ve purchased over the years, and more specifically stuff I THOUGHT was awesome and then got over it real fast. Here is a list of both:

Rear-view Sunglasses- bought this in my teens, one side is blurry & I have no idea where I put these things.

Right Angle photo lens- I tried taking pictures while out and about, but I still have to find “fake” pictures to take

LED night mask- I saw an AWESOME version of this in a magazine called “Things you never knew existed”. It was supposed to help in lucid dreaming, but these light would blink on a timer (not searching for REM) and they were too bright. I always woke up groggy. Maybe someday I’ll put a little red filter over the white led– if the battery still works.

remote control watch- useful until VCRs stopped working. I gave it away, but now wish I would have kept it for retro reasons even though the band was broken.

Captain Planet Water Powered Watch- a favorite, but some kids stole it out of my desk in elementary school

Tetris Watch- I sent off for this, and it was AWESOME.. I don’t remember what happened to it.. I miss wearing watches.

“life size” Energizer Bunny. Sent away for this in 1996, but now I’m trying to sell it off for $15 on craigslist– still no takers.

I’ll add more things to this list as I think of them.