Archive for the ‘Everything Else’ Category


Friday, March 13th, 2009

Man, I should have spent this morning working on my vlogs instead!!

I only have 59, but I’d rather be vlogging. (sounds like a bumper sticker)

So I went over to because when I post videos on my site they stop showing up in itunes.. It is weird and I don’t exactly understand why except for some research I did on it a while back and there is some sort of a ftp binary file issue.. or something.

Anyway, I love vlog videos..

especially this girl’s:

She’s adorable, and I LOVE her expressions. Aww..


Hmm, I’ve (can you make a contraction of “I have”?) a Shabat dinner to attend later tonight- so I’d better figure out the bus schedule there, but if I have time perhaps I’ll be able to make a video… of course it always is easier to think about than actually do.

26, 27 & 28

Friday, March 13th, 2009

26. When computer things get connected automatically (like when I can drag and drop into other apps or don’t have to refill out a form between websites)

March 13, 2009
27. having exactly what I need at the right time– like packing just the right thing or having just what I need with me on a trip or beach or where ever

28. Finding an iPhone app that does exactly what I want it to do.

Art Day 3

Thursday, March 12th, 2009

In a couple of weeks I’ll be attending art day 3. Hooray! Those have been a lot of fun.

This time we are going to have it in the morning, which I SO prefer. If it is later in the day people are always drained from the day.

We are going to have pancakes and such- and it will be so awesome!

Blog via email

Thursday, March 12th, 2009

Sometimes I put things off for a long time, and they are rather easy to set up.

: /

new menubar

Tuesday, March 10th, 2009

Yesterday I figured out how to create a new menubar for my website. I don’t know how it looks on a PC though.. I’ll have to check that out soon.

and oh, is it nice now that my hours have switched at work. Now I have an extra hour to do stuff before I’m tired from the day! Now I just have to figure out how to stop being so drowsy and falling asleep on the metro on the way home..


Friday, March 6th, 2009

I’ve been trying to find an ical I can subscribe to or something, but everyone seems to have outdated times and dates and such.

Today is Middle Name Pride Day though!

= )

Once I find a reliable website I’ll post it up- for now all I have is: or or

and they sometimes differ. is the closest- although I’ll have to double check all the time as the name week holidays are apparently all messed up.

national days

Thursday, March 5th, 2009

I’ve decided to try to celebrate as many strange days as possible.


and recently was the anniversary of the death of Mr. Rogers..

I didn’t know he made a guest appearance on Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman!!

(the audio is off-sync though)


Wednesday, February 25th, 2009

At bible study we ended up talking about Lent and what we would give up for forty days.

For a while now I’ve been buying those hostess pies.. not ACTUAL hostess, but the off-brand kind. Well anyway, they are terrible for you to eat (but oh so tempting) so I’m giving them up.

It may seem like a little thing, but it will be quite the challenge to avoid getting those (especially when they are on Manager’s Special and only 20-30 cents a piece.

Weekend of activity

Sunday, February 22nd, 2009

Wow. What a weekend.

On Friday Robin and I went to Panda Express and talked. They had the tastiest steamed vegetables!! It was crazy delicious. Then we had some tea and played Scrabble, and scored a Z (10pts) on a triple letter.. it was ridiculous. I totally lost that game.

Saturday – I woke up @ 8 and had to take a bus to Alhambra. I almost missed the bus entirely, but fortune shined on me and I made it! Woo!

We taped a few episodes and it was a total blast! I rediscovered how terrible I am at memorizing lines in a short amount of time.. I’ll have to devise a method to practice this.

Dan gave me a lift to the blue house, and I hung out there for an hour until the Mosaic film night began. We watched DARK KNIGHT. I really like the conversation after the work, we talked about the ideas and plot lines.. it was pretty neat to see how other people pick up on certain things.

We got to the PROM going away party at 11pm and danced for several hours. It was great.. but-

Where are all the group dances? I remember doing all sorts of group things in early college and such.. like the Macarena, the train, electric slide, & Thriller. We tried doing some of these, but a lot of people gave us the stink eye! = ( Boo on them!

I took lots of pictures and posted them on Facebook.. I LOVE how easy it is now to share pictures. I just wish there was a way for people to ‘un-tag’ themselves, but still leave who it is.. Sometimes people don’t like the way their picture turned out, but it is nice to have a list of who’s who in a particular shot.

Now I’m at work, waiting for the second half of my workday to begin.. at 7pm. Then I’ll have to metro it on home and the arduous workweek begins once-more, Curses!

If I wasn’t so tired I’d probably go get something to eat.. and if I wasn’t so hungry I’d probably nap! = ) Oh well, I really should try to write some more. The Talkie Day sketches got my mind-wheels turning.

smart casual

Friday, February 13th, 2009

On Wednesday Robin and I went to dinner- McCormick & Schmick’s, a fancy seafood restaurant. It was rockin! I haven’t been to Beverly Hills very often, and it was fun to stroll around for a bit (although I was shivering in the cold).

Last month I flew on Alaska Airlines and they had handed out gift certificates to everyone aboard- $20.

According to their website the proper attire is “Smart Casual”. Which made me realize that I need to get new clothes as I don’t really have many nice clothes. I ended up wearing a short-sleeve shirt with a regular t undershirt.

When the meal came of course it was small, but PACKED with flavor. It was pretty neat how you can take your time and really enjoy a meal with someone.. which I need to do more.

On Tuesday our Monkey Butler small group had a dinner/bible study. It was such a great experience to be around people you admire and talk about things and share what is going on in your life with others. = )

Anyway, I was going to post this yesterday, but I forgot.