Archive for the ‘Everything Else’ Category

Driving Ticket

Friday, July 11th, 2008

For the following story you need to know:
-I watched Dan in Real Life today. In the movie he gets pulled over a few times.
-when I came home from driving around today, I somehow ended up on my floor and must have fallen asleep.

The next thing I knew I was driving a double-decker buss down into a parking garage.

App aftermath

Friday, July 11th, 2008

I had to download the apps I wanted via the phone.

So Things isn’t as cool as I’d hoped. The syncing doesn’t work and there are no areas. So basically I’ll have to re-enter everything.

I do like the Pandora app, but I can’t receive calls while I’m no on EDGE, so I’ll use it more when I upgrade.

I’d better leave the house. I have to get a haircut and I’d like to get something productive done today besides learn how to use these new apps.

lost photos

Friday, July 11th, 2008

Oh, bummer. I forgot to save the photos off of my iPhone. Now they’ll be lost. = (

I’m still getting the 9838 error. Still waiting.

iPhone error

Friday, July 11th, 2008

I woke up and tried to update my phone. Bummer, I got an error 9838. I assume it is because of all the traffic as the stores and everyone try to connect to the store. I hope it gets fixed though! Otherwise there might be a lot of angry customers as the employees try to update their phones.

I was so excited about the program Things that I missed the fine print. Currently it doesn’t sync. They will begin working on that on Monday. = (

I suppose it gives me a chance to whittle down my immediate to do items, now that I have to reenter them.

Hmm. I’d planned on playing with the phone now. I guess I could clean up my room while I wait.


Thursday, July 10th, 2008


I’ve been a strong Obama advocate since the democratic hoopla began. Then the FISA 2008 bill was passed. Obama voted yes.

SJ Dinner

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008

Last night most of us in Soda Jerk had dinner. Lynn had suggested it and it was wonderful! We rarely get a chance to hang out as a team. It was great getting to know more about my fellow improv team members.

For instance, we found out Lynn had been part of a DaVinci code documentary. She traveled to 21 places in Europe within 21 days! Fantastic! Also, we learned the origins of how we all came to follow Christ. Good times.

I’m very fortunate to have such loving people in my midst. I take it for granted.

It is very for me to isolate myself; trap myself in my room and work on the computer or on some project. I forget how many great and wonderful friends I have. I keep taking them for granted!

On a related note, I spent WAY too much time trying to get my camera to take some great pictures. Sure, the SLR works great.. but I dislike having the perfect frame, and then discovering that the picture wasn’t lit correctly. I keep thinking about that videocamera. At least I’d get instant feedback on the picture quality. I have too many well composed smeared shots.


Sunday, July 6th, 2008

Ugh, I just woke up from a nap. I hate that. I guess that is what will happen when you are in a stuffy room. Usually I’m at work until about this time. Today though we had a short 5hr shift, usually we add an hour lunch to make it 9. There is a store meeting at 7-10.

I’d better see what I can do for then next hour. I still feel all drowsy.. = (

Nikon D40 & Canon HG10 HD

Saturday, July 5th, 2008

I bought a SLR camera at costco a couple months ago and I made a deal with myself. If I didn’t use it like I wanted, I’d return it.

Well, I’ve been trying to take my SLR out and about, but I’ve noticed something. Being the only one with a camera is a hassle. I am always fiddling with the dials (and getting blurry pictures). I am also never in the photos because I’m always taking them. When I do hand it off the pictures look like they’ll turn out great but then are all blurry.

I’ve been toying around with the idea of returning the camera and getting a video camera. That is something that may fit my needs better. The unfortunate part is that I’d be returning yet ANOTHER camera. I bought a small still camera a while ago. Then I returned it to get the Nikon, which I returned after a few weeks because it went down $100.

Hmm, that little digital camera I bought was okay, but I thought I could get better pictures by attaching a lens. The lens is the key I suppose. Even though it had a great portable size, the pictures were blurry. Also, low light conditions prevented a great shot. SLR cameras don’t fare any better. Well, at least in my case. One feature that I may like in the Canon HD camera is the way I can take a 2 megapixel still from the video. That might be nice.

The canon doesn’t have a manual focus ring. That seems like a bummer. It is the one thing I enjoy about my sony camera. Although that tape needing monster of a camera is rarely carried around. I want something small enough to take places, and easy to archive data.

That is where that hard drive will come in. At least that is how I imagine it. Video cameras are intimidating to people though. I could get candid shots on the SLR, but a video camera always makes people act all edgy. A lot of people kind of freeze up, as they feel like they are put on the spot.

Hmm. I still have another month before I need to return it or keep it.

Oh, but my family is coming down to California. So maybe I should get a video recorder to record the action when they come down.

I think I’ve just talked myself into getting the Canon tomorrow. Or ordering it if Costco is out of stock.

the third

Thursday, July 3rd, 2008

I just visited and was impressed by the layout. The content=lame, but I like the cardboard cut-outs.

I kept seeing the site advertised on http;// and I became curious on what was on it.

Anyway, tonight I’m going swing dancing. Tomorrow I’ll go to a park with (hopefully) some friends from improv.

Blocking certain Digg posts

Tuesday, July 1st, 2008

When I first began going to , there was a variety of websites. Now a few are ALWAYS there and I wish I had a way to block any posts from a few domains.

– – sometimes they have great info, but their opinion posts are ridiculous.

– – some people love this fake news site, but I’m not really into it. It get confusing to see fake news next to real news.

– – I used to collect these as a kid, but a lot of their stuff is too silly or top 10 posts.

– I don’t mind this webcomic, but I’d rather let a month go by and read a bunch at once.

There has to be a way to filter digg, but I haven’t found it yet.