I bought a SLR camera at costco a couple months ago and I made a deal with myself. If I didn’t use it like I wanted, I’d return it.
Well, I’ve been trying to take my SLR out and about, but I’ve noticed something. Being the only one with a camera is a hassle. I am always fiddling with the dials (and getting blurry pictures). I am also never in the photos because I’m always taking them. When I do hand it off the pictures look like they’ll turn out great but then are all blurry.
I’ve been toying around with the idea of returning the camera and getting a video camera. That is something that may fit my needs better. The unfortunate part is that I’d be returning yet ANOTHER camera. I bought a small still camera a while ago. Then I returned it to get the Nikon, which I returned after a few weeks because it went down $100.
Hmm, that little digital camera I bought was okay, but I thought I could get better pictures by attaching a lens. The lens is the key I suppose. Even though it had a great portable size, the pictures were blurry. Also, low light conditions prevented a great shot. SLR cameras don’t fare any better. Well, at least in my case. One feature that I may like in the Canon HD camera is the way I can take a 2 megapixel still from the video. That might be nice.
The canon doesn’t have a manual focus ring. That seems like a bummer. It is the one thing I enjoy about my sony camera. Although that tape needing monster of a camera is rarely carried around. I want something small enough to take places, and easy to archive data.
That is where that hard drive will come in. At least that is how I imagine it. Video cameras are intimidating to people though. I could get candid shots on the SLR, but a video camera always makes people act all edgy. A lot of people kind of freeze up, as they feel like they are put on the spot.
Hmm. I still have another month before I need to return it or keep it.
Oh, but my family is coming down to California. So maybe I should get a video recorder to record the action when they come down.
I think I’ve just talked myself into getting the Canon tomorrow. Or ordering it if Costco is out of stock.