Driving Ticket

July 11th, 2008 by hmatt

For the following story you need to know:
-I watched Dan in Real Life today. In the movie he gets pulled over a few times.
-when I came home from driving around today, I somehow ended up on my floor and must have fallen asleep.

The next thing I knew I was driving a double-decker buss down into a parking garage.

I was going straight, so I had the right-of-way, but the people coming into the intersection [1. I know, it morphed from a parking garage that could support double-decker busses to an intersection. I didn’t catch this in the dream] to my left were still going through their light. Then there was that wait, should I wait part. I stepped on the gas because I was about to miss my light (it was then turning yellow for me). The lady or whoever who was turning left sped up all of a sudden and drove past me. Of course I was flagged down. I drove my Mini Cooper [2. Which used to be a buss] into a little space between those parking attendant huts.

I hopped out, leaving the car running and asked where I was supposed to go. A traffic cop type of character pointed me to the hut, which was surprisingly big enough inside to be hold twenty people and it looked like the DMV or an AAA office. Once inside I said aloud something outlandish. I don’t remember now, but it was something one doesn’t say when one gets pulled over. (just like in the movie). Anyway, I explained that I was waiting and it looked like she was going to slow down to stop. I clearly wasn’t at fault, but I lost my case anyway. The DMV lady said I would be billed for whatever amount after the tapes were reviewed. I tried to get an estimate (thinking maybe $60) but it was going to be several hundred dollars.

I was thinking about how I was going to pay for this and then something woke me up. I sat there on my floor thinking, how am I going to pay for this.. when I remembered that it was a dreaming ticket. I didn’t have to pay. I laughed at myself in my head and got up to make a sandwich.

I really don’t know what the point was for this long-winded story. I had the right-of-way though.

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