Archive for August 5th, 2008

MB Small Group & tires

Tuesday, August 5th, 2008

We had a small group meeting tonight. Everyone shared their stories of how Improv helps them share the gifts God has given them..

It was reassuring to know that we all have the same types of anxieties about life and going for our dreams.

In old town I saw a small table with Obama stickers and such. I went and picked up a bumper sticker and this guy bumbled by. Among the profanity he said something about how he would vote for McCain because he fought in a war with his dad or something.

We were all kind of silent, and I made a comment about how great it is that people can be passionate about something.

I wish I’d stopped him from babbling. I agree McCain is a hero. Anyone of who is in the armed forces is such a treasure to our country. That being said, I don’t feel McCain’s policies will help our country evolve to a better place.

Recently there has been some hoopla about Obama and his energy plan. He has many great ideas, the best ideas revolving around providing tax credits so American car companies can start making efficient hybrids to carry us forward. He also urges everyone to make sure that their tires are inflated to save oil.

The GOP made a big joke about it. Anyone who has EVER read anything by AAA or any environmental organization would know that to be true. The simple action to ‘make sure your tires are properly inflated’ would certainly help out our world.

I’m going to go buy a tire gauge tomorrow. Then I need to know how to check that stuff. I can buy a pump or something too and offer it to all of my friends. That is such a simple, great way to help the environment.

*sigh* too bad Republicans are downplaying the importance of doing something positive.