Archive for September 15th, 2008


Monday, September 15th, 2008

Yay! Last night mb performed at an event. I met some super fun people and some of those cool people I saw tonight after service.

Emma and Anne. Oh, both these ladies are fabulous! I love when people are so full of life and laughter.

We all carpooled to the nearby frozen yogurt shop. I mixed and matched tart pinapple, apple and cookies&cream plus pistachio.

So at the BBQ last night I talkedtp Emma mostly, she had just finished a year as a Disney spokesmodel. Tonight I found out that Anne’s brother and father work for Google and she recently had an interview with them.

Oh man. Those girls had the most glowing smiles- awesome.

My friends rock. I love them all!

–thought transition—

I need to find a place to live in West Hollywood soon. I want to spend time with all these new friends… But I’m suppsed to be looking for a new place everyday.