Procrastination of a dream

May 8th, 2009 by hmatt

I really enjoy How I Met Your Mother because I identify a lot of the same struggles as Ted. I myself have been procrastinating since I’ve been in California. I keep waiting until I have everything ‘perfect’- the perfect headshot, the perfect website, perfect training, all my acting notes in order, experience..

How am I to get real experience if I never do anything though? I’ve been planning to do my own webseries for a while, but I procrastinate writing the scripts. This show isn’t just for me, it allows my friends to get involved in something too, to showcase our collective talent and creativity.

I’ve been procrastinating more than just the writing- I’ve been waiting to buy a new video camera, framework for the green screen, organizing my to do list..

I don’t have Activator as one of my strengths, but I know I can cultivate good habits. I only have two days a week off, and today is the day I will get a haircut (I’ve been putting that off for a LONG time- it is so scraggly!). Then I will get out of the house and start writing in a notebook because if I try to do it on a computer I get distracted or try to find the perfect program to help me out.. which furthers the procrastination. Or I start to eat and then watch tv shows online..

Okay. Timeboxing WILL work today. I’m going to spend 15 minutes planning out my day, then begin. This will be a productive day.. oh yes.

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