July 16 & 17

August 20th, 2010 by hmatt

Trip to Alicante.. Viviana’s Birthday celebration.

Part 1
Part 2

One of Arianna’s friends was having a birthday party. She had heard about the Art parties that edge has had in the past.. like Colleen’s La Sala party. These are parties where different people share something art related.. kind of like a talent show or something.

The skill I was going to show was swing dancing with Xara. Others sang, and Sean did his one man improv show that he’s been working on.

There were a lot of complaints about the heat in the room. There were no windows, but it gave everyone a chance to take a break on the street. Also getting fresh air.

After the party ended we played Ninja in the street, and some freeze tag too.

July 17

In the morning Vivana invited us to their place. We were provided with a selection of various morning foods.. Pastries, cereal, coffee, and Spain’s FAVORITE drink Cola-Coa.. which is like this chocolate milk mix (like Ovaltine). Chocolate milk for breakfast? Sure!

I tried not to pig out too much on the food, but it was all so tasty!

When we got back, at some point Nick and I went to the beach.

I went swimming and Nick left his bag there on the beach… and some guy stole it.

A bunch of people saw the guy running, but there was no way we could have found him.. We know he had a tattoo of a marijuana leaf though… poor Nick lost his ipod, iPhone and 50 euros.. and his backpack.. and our keys to our apartment. Which, much later, I had to get copies made to replace.

That night we had our art show. There were lots of new faces, but I only talked to a handful of people..

Like Elena and Laura.. two incredibly wonderful people who- get this- restore art for a living!! That is like one of those jobs people have in movies! SO COOL!

I could have chatted with them for hours, unfortunately that was the only time I saw them.

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