June 20th, 2013 by hmatt

Yesterday was my birthday and I decided that I would make drastic changes. I fell into a procrastinating rut, and I didn’t like it.

My biggest goal now is to FOCUS. In the past I have gotten so caught up with various projects and half done ideas; I wasn’t completing as much as I’d like. I summed up my priorities to ACTING {creativity}, FINANCES {create a wealth of savings and pay off all debts}, RELATIONSHIP {Making Jacqui a priority in my life, as well as other friends} and most of all SIMPLICITY!

I haven’t done anything with TheRetroKidsShow.com in a long while, and I still have 80% done of episode 4- so I want to FINISH IT! Plus, create a framework where I am constantly practicing and channeling my creativity instead of letting it flounder.

I cleaned up my environment yesterday; my desk, my dresser drawers and cables etc. I also finally got rid of a few t-shirts that I always wear that I just needed to let go of.

I did make a mistake though, I spent WAY too long trying to drive to a theatre to get my free birthday movie. I want to balance my time and my efforts and make sure that I’m managing things wisely.

Today begins a new day and a new adventure.

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