Archive for the ‘Everything Else’ Category


Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

I took the metro to work today. I’ve been waiting to buy a pass and had a slew of misadventures while trying to do so.

I wish I’d done this ages ago. The metro line isn’t that far away and the trains are probably always on time.

Coming home the train was packed. No one looked happy. My original plan was to write on the bus, but I didn’t have much elbow room. Listening to my ipod was a second idea, but I’d likely go deaf trying to drown out the ambient noise. I’ll have to invest in some noise reduction headphones.

I’ll have to brew some other commute activity. It is sure nice to save gas money and not have to worry about a parking space..

I just have to remember to move my car all the time to avoid getting a ticket via a time limit or sweeper visit.

3d display

Tuesday, November 11th, 2008

I think futuristic stuff is truly fascinating.

the other matthew hirsch(s)

Friday, November 7th, 2008

I’ve known about the Production Manager on IMDB for a while, and I assumed he lives in Los Angeles. However, there is a THIRD Matthew Hirsch in L.A. according to Facebook! He’s in college apparently.

Hmm, I wonder if he was the one that the DMV thought looked like me when I first moved down here and tried to get a license.
At work I go by Matthew so as not to be confused with the other Matt at the store.
Professionally I guess I’ll have to remember to go by my full name. At least Ray is quick to write and easy to say. I don’t like the way “Matthew R. Hirsch” sounds. It interrupts the flow of the name and also sounds like I’m speaking poor english.
You’d think having the domain name with my name would bring me up higher on google ranking, but I get beat by the lawyer in PA and the Physics guy in MA.

New HD, life organizing

Friday, November 7th, 2008

A while ago I went through all my files and created this sub-system to keep things organized. I had the internal hard drive on my Macbook 74gb, an Iomega drive 465gb, and an old seagate 279gb for backup.

However, all my files were in the same place. I’ve often wanted an offsite backup for files in case my place was robbed or something.

I finally bought another hard drive. I moved absolutely everything on that 465 g-drive and I run my os off of it too. Hooray! All my eggs are in one basket & have time machine turned on for safety in case of hard drive failure.

I’m also going to backup my super important files onto that old seagate and mail it to my parents place.

It takes a LONG time to move all these files around. Plus I took several minutes figuring out how much space I have and if everything would fit to the places where I need it to go. After several pieces of scratch paper and textedit documents I figured out a plan. Now comes the job of organizing all those files so it all makes sense. An all day job.
I also bought a puppet. I won’t get him until the 18th, but that gives me sometime to write some puppet sketches. Oh, the goofy ideas I have. = )
Later tonight I’m going to a BBQ and I’m performing improv. Fun times.
I’m compiling all of my todo items too. I’ve been so overwhelmed by the magnitude of the projects I’ve started and I’ve not done much to get the ball rolling. I tried setting deadlines yesterday, but I got sidetracked. Today I hope to set deadlines.

Ha ha- I’ve just set a deadline for my deadline.

What is next for the Daily show?

Thursday, November 6th, 2008

I just saw the Nov 5th show and it wasn’t that funny. It almost felt like the last episode of a tv series.

How will they be able to make fun of a administration who isn’t as incompetent as we’ve seen for the last 8 years? Where will the jokes come from?

I was pleased they too noticed Oprah leaning against some random guy at Obama’s speech. Oh, and how completely ridiculous the media was– a hologram?

What bugs me most of all is that it wasn’t even a real hologram! The guy was just staring at a blank space and the video was put in via like they already do with green screens. Now if it had been a real laser hologram.. that would have been something. = )

Oh media.. how I despise your misinformation and inappropriate stories.


Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

I couldn’t help but notice the “I voted” stickers today. Everyone is excited and eager to find out who our next president will be.

We eagerly await..

procrastination- the absolute enemy

Monday, October 27th, 2008

I am a procrastinator.

I have been putting too many things in my life on hold, and you know what happens when you do that? Things fall apart, opportunities are missed and relationships unravel.


pronunciation- dig

Friday, October 24th, 2008

By looking at you’d think it would be pronounced: buy-dig. I called to return the camera I bought and the recording pronounced the dig as ‘dij’; as in ‘digital’. Ah, I get it. I’ll bet though that they have a tough time correcting everyone all the time.

Some companies probably don’t think these thing through.

It reminds me when Experts Exchange bought the domain not realizing there could be confusion. [update: looks like they tried to forget it ever happened seeing how the website doesn’t go anywhere anymore]

Silly company pr.

Opie, Andy & Richie, Fonz for Obama

Thursday, October 23rd, 2008


See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die

Month’s End

Tuesday, October 21st, 2008

Gee. The month is almost over and I have yet to go to any dress up parties.

Although I don’t have a costume yet anyway. Maybe tomorrow I’ll find time to make one. Hmm.

I’ve been rather busy trying to get stuff together at my place, but I’ve noticed that my big problem is trying to store my clothes because they somehow always end up on the floor.

I tried waking up early to clean up, but 5:45 is too early. I went back to sleep and woke up late at 6:30. *sigh*